“Joy is the serious business of heaven.” -- C.S. Lewis
Join us for a new study of the "serious business of heaven." A new adult Sunday School class begins on February 19 at 9:30 am Eastern entitled, "C.S. Lewis and Joy." We are exploring the theme of joy in the works of C.S. Lewis.
C.S. Lewis is the famed scholar, writer, and Christian apologist who is probably best known as the author of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He wrote apologetics, theology, literary criticism, children's literature, and science fiction.
This class will serve both as an exploration of the theme of joy and also an introduction to C.S. Lewis' work.
Our instructor, Andrew Swinford, will be joining us via Zoom. Andy is from Birmingham, England, where he taught English Literature for 25 years in high school. He contributed to the Zondervan book, Christian Tradition in English Literature, and has given multimedia presentations on C.S. Lewis, his life, and work, for church groups and bookclubs. He has also led spiritual retreats entitled "Surprised by Joy" and "Narnia, Middle-earth and God’s Creation." He has now retired from teaching and has taken up beekeeping!
First Presbyterian Church is located at 21 Firelands Boulevard in Norwalk, Ohio. You can also join the class via Zoom. Please contact the church for links.